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Episode 35


Episode 35 - Human Values in an AI-Driven World with Kelly Hecht



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This episode explores the double-edged nature of AI, reflecting on its power to accelerate life while emphasizing the importance of conscious, thoughtful AI use to preserve human values.

Meet Kelly Hecht, an executive advisor at Amazon Web Services (AWS), who focuses on the global healthcare and nonprofit sectors. She is dedicated to helping customers harness technology to drive mission impact and promote innovation in their industries.

During today’s conversation, Kelly reflects on the growing impact of AI on daily life. She shares the pressure of navigating an increasingly fast-paced world due to AI, likening it to being on a never-ending hamster wheel. Kelly stresses the importance of being conscious and deliberate in integrating AI into life to prevent feeling overwhelmed. She also emphasizes the value of learning from past technological shifts to understand AI’s current effects.

In discussing connection and information overload, Kelly agrees with Nathan on the overwhelming nature of constant AI-driven interaction. She mentions how AI algorithms, though applicable, contribute to the competition for attention and connection, which can sometimes be mentally taxing. AI’s role in amplifying information overload has directly affected her mental health, leading to an internal struggle to find balance.

Moreover, Kelly strongly advocates for intentionality and curiosity in AI usage. She talks about embracing uncertainty and the benefits of being open-minded about AI’s evolving role. By cultivating curiosity, Kelly believes individuals can stay ahead without losing essential human qualities like empathy and strategic thinking.

She also highlights the need to balance AI-driven efficiency and human values. Setting boundaries, maintaining awareness, and using AI consciously are crucial to ensuring it enhances life rather than dominates it. Kelly underscores the role of leadership in fostering a culture of curiosity and adaptability, especially in an AI-driven world.

Finally, she shares practical advice on how to use AI intentionally, recommending that people set daily checkpoints to reflect on AI’s role in their day and use the time saved for meaningful purposes. Kelly stresses the importance of respect and thoughtfulness in AI use, ensuring they align with personal and professional goals.




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Nathan Chappell

As a thought leader, public speaker, author and inventor, Nathan is one of the world’s foremost experts on the intersection between Artificial Intelligence and philanthropy. Nathan serves as Senior Vice President of DonorSearch AI, where he leads AI deployments for some of the nation’s largest nonprofit organizations. Nathan’s subject matter expertise has been featured in several publications, including Fast Company, University of Notre Dame and the Association of Healthcare Philanthropy. In 2021, Nathan founded Fundraising.Ai as a member-centric collaboration of nonprofit professionals with a focus on data ethics, data equality, privacy and security, sustainability. Nathan presented the first TEDx on the topic of artificial intelligence and the future of generosity in 2018. Nathan is a member of the Forbes Technology Council and holds a Masters in Nonprofit Administration from University of Notre Dame, an MBA from University of Redlands, a certificate in International Economics from University of Cambridge and a certificate in Artificial Intelligence from MIT.

Scott Rosenkrans

Scott Rosenkrans is the Assistant Vice President of DonorSearch Ai and has been with the organization for three years. He began his journey in the nonprofit sector twelve years ago as a prospect researcher. He quickly became fascinated with data as he noticed the organization that he previously worked for was amassing a wealth of information but was unsure how to efficiently use the data and resources to its full potential. This led him to become interested in predictive modeling and data analytics. During this time, he began to create an immense commitment to delivering tailor-made machine learning models to nonprofits.

The thing that Scott loves most about working for DonorSearch is the ability to prioritize what is best for the client and nonprofit sector above all else. He believes that growth is our most important core value because the DSAi team continuously evolves and brings a unique perspective that provides value to our clients. He stays ahead of industry trends because of his insatiable drive to constantly try out new things.

Favorite nonprofit: Shriner’s Children Hospital because of their extreme commitment to providing exceptional medical care, while also alleviating the financial burdens on families.